Wednesday, August 4, 2010

March 1st 2012--The Apocolypse

It started like any other day. The sun was shining, birds chirping. And then it all went to shit. I was watching T.V. when IT happened. It was a Saturday,so I was watching cartoons, and all of a sudden the screen turned to static. Then a voice came on. It said "we are sorry for the interuption but earth has just receved a message from the Intergalactic Police. Earth has violated code 909 of space polution. We are now going to be termanated so that our poison will no longer destroy our part of the galexy. Anybody who has purchased a space pod or has tickets to leave today may use there means to get out. Have a nice last day!" I went to the kitchen and asked my mom "mom did we ever buy that space pod we were looking at?" "no. we were going to wait untill they got cheaper. why?" "oh. no reason. just because earth is about to be termanated gonna go do some stuff before I die...". And I walked out to the street where everyone was pretty much running around going crazy. There were people sitting in circles on there knees praying. And people trying to rob some guy. All the while the people who owned space pods were packing and loading everything together for their launches. I decided to go to the space pod store. It was completly empty of all people except the clerk. Apparently, nobody was smart enough to come here yet. I walked up to the man at the desk and said "I would like to look at a family size space pod. we have been contemplating buying one for a while now and now seemes like a good time to buy." "well today's youre lucky day then! we just got a new shipment of them today! right this way miss.". He led me to a big show room where there were thousands of space pods. Most of them looked way more expenseve than we were looking at last year. "I want your finest module". If I was going to take one, it might as well be a nice one. "alrighty. this is our finest pod today. it's got all the luxuries". And it shure did look like it. "you don't say? well i don't beleive you! let me take a spin. come on. you can come too!" "okay" he got in the pod and so did I. He opened the roof and I flew it out of there. Then I said "well it's been nice doing buisness with you. sorry but I don't give my personal information or name to strangers." then I took out my flash ray I got for Christmas out of my bag and used it on him. He then promtly fell asleep. I opened his door and pushed him out (it wasnt a far drop). I then flew to my house and told my mom "get ready to go okay? I have some things that I want to do before we leave." TO BE CONTINUED...

The Created World

You may now be wondering what this blog will be about. And I will now tell you. This blog will be a series of short stories about alternet realities. These will include beginnings, middles, and ends of the worlds. It's going to be a great experience for your little minds. So I'm quite shure that you are about to die from the anticipation. Because I know you just wanted to read all about my wonderful created worlds.