Monday, September 27, 2010

The Ant Apopcolypse

I woke up in my part of the hole. It was just like any other day. I had mid day shift in gathering today. I was to gather as much food as I could so as to save up for winter. It was not that big of a deal right? Just ordinary for an ant like me. Right? But it wasn't because the orders came from the queen herself. So I scurried on my way. Through the tunnels, to the outside. That's when the first metiorite hit. It squished the area right next to my abdomin. I panacked and ran back inside. Somebody was attaking the hill! Our colony, it might be ruined! I sent out an alarm. Everybody went into swarm mode. The warriors prepaired for battle. They swarmed out. Maybe 100 red ants ready for attack. I went back outside. They were everywhere. They were crawling up a giant, ugly, animal. The animal started panicking. He had someting in his pincer. Out of it shot more water then when the sky flooded. The animal aimed it first at the warriors, knocking them off and drowning some of them, then at the hill which quickly started melting. The Queen! But the entrance was flooded by then. I was then swept up in the tide like everyone else. Then everything went black. It was the end of the world.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Deadly Poison

I woke up. All I could see was...white... I close my eyes. I reopen my eyes. Still white. I put my hand in front of my face, and I wave it around. Nothing. I can see absolutly nothing. I look down, the white seemes to thin a little bit. I can see my shirt. I get up, and look down again. Yes, it thins when you look down at it. I can see the black nail polish on my toe nails. I think I may be dead... "OH MY GOD!" I heard my mom scream. I rush to where I think my door is, and run into my wall. I feel around a little bit, yes, just there, I open the door and go down the hall. Just before I run into my parent's door, the white suddenly thins into somewhat fog-like consistency. I open the door and see my mom. She's looking down at my little baby sister. Or should I say my little baby sister's dead courpse. I look back up at my mom. She's very pale. "What happened?" "I woke up, it was white and foggy everywhere, your dad was already at work. She started coughing, I picked her up, she spit out stuff like pounded chalk and died." She started crying. I started panincking. "Mom, mom, WHAT'S GOING ON!" She just kept on crying and mumbling "I don't know, I don't know..." We just sat there for a little bit. The fog was coming back. "Mom, let's get outside before the white comes back. It might be better out there." I opened her big bedroom window. It was one of those big ones really near the ground. Let's just go out through here. We go outside. The smoke is completly back by now. The streetlamps seem to be on, because there are faint orange floating things. At least we wouldn't run into any of those I think as I run head first into another person. I can hear the hollow sounding "clunk" before I actually feel any pain. "Ow. Hey, do you know why this fog is here?" "No" "Then come with me." TO BE CONTINUED...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Apocolypse prt2

It's been a while folks! My pet slug that I just found at my bus stop this morning died of a fatal squishing accedent. For some reason it got me in the mood to finish this.

I went back outside. Not very long left. I looked around, it seemed like people were coming to their senses finally. Maybe starting to look at things like I did? Well, anyways, they were all going to die soon anyway. Some people just seemed to be crying hyistarically. Some were just sitting there. I hate time wasters. People the world is about to end! This is no time to be reflecting on your actions! Or praying, or just spacing out! This is a time to kick rules to the curb and have some fun because nobody in this world is going to make it anyways. I start running. I'm looking for... There it is! That *bleep*ing bully that was picking on me. He seems to have the same idea I have. Or maybe he's just too stupid to relize the world really is about to end... But he's picking on some kid. A little girl. "Hey Mark. Guess what. Your'e a dumb shit and I should have stood up to you before now. But now I'm going to make you pay." "F**k off. I'm in the middle of something. Be glad it isn't you." "You really are stupid. I even found a way to get out of here. Thought of it as soon as I heard the news. And I'm. Not. Bringing. You. With. Me. Mwahahaha (evilest laugh you can't think of)." I don't know why but I look over. The little girl's crying. She's dressed in a light pink jumper and she looks like she couldn't hurt a fly. At that moment, I knew who I wanted to save. All my friends and family have their pods to get away. We were the only ones out of luck. And I fixed that for us. I walk over just as Mark is saying "No kidding! Well you'd better take me with you or-" I do this awesome suckerpunch then kick him in the face. Then he's out cold. The little girl is looking at me with admaration and fear in her eyes. "Don't worry I wouldn't hurt you." No I wouldn't hurt this little girl in the pig tails with curly dark hair and white tights with the cute black shoes. "No? Then thank you. I will be going now." "Where are you going?" "Back to the orphinage. I have to wait there with the rest of them for dooms day." "Forget about it. Come with me, I'll save you." And we ran back to my house got in that pod and blasted out of there. I could see my home exploding as I looked out the back window. i asked the little girl "what's your name?" "Tammy. Thank you." Tammy was looking at me as if I were an angel. "Mom, can let Tammy stay with us while we look for a new home?" "Sure. Why not?" And we rode off into the darkness. No place to go back. Only forwards.